We are interviewing for:
Send us your resume and which position/s you are interested in!
via email { adaptogenhealingartssalon.gmail.com
Here are the position details:
- Practitioners
- Volunteers
Send us your resume and which position/s you are interested in!
via email { adaptogenhealingartssalon.gmail.com
Here are the position details:
- Certified Practitioners (in alignment with ADAPTOGEN's Mission Statement/About Us Statement)
- Gate Keeper (door person, great/clear energy, ability to create compassionate boundaries)
- Treatment Coordinators (desk/sign up person, people person, remember face to name)
- Host (knowledge of multiple healing modalities, people person, quick on feet, multi task)
- Gong Fu style Tea Service (has tea, inviting-gentle-intuitive person, willing to be of service)